About Mighty Miss Heather
Mighty Miss Heather is dedicated to illuminating your path to Enlightenment. With a passion for helping others, Heather offers Intuitive Tarot readings, Reiki Healings, grounding tips, and a touch of humor to guide you on your spiritual journey. She has been a Psychic medium since she was a child, she helps others to connect with the other side without the dark scary feel. Grounding and setting protection of your energy are important things to keep your aura safe, plus reduce feelings of sadness and anxiety.

Guidance and Clarity

Providing guidance and clarity to help you bring your vision into focus. Discover the answers you seek through tarot readings, reiki healings, and grounding tips. Sometimes you just need some confirmation. Sometimes you need a new perspective. Sometimes you need someone to hold your hand & show you the path. I'm here for you to help create a safe space to help you grow & heal. Weather you are embarking on a spiritual journey or just want to know which car to buy, I got you, boo!
Empowerment and Healing
Empowering you to embrace your true potential and experience healing on a spiritual level. Find balance, peace, clarity and rejuvenation through our services. Find confidence in your gifts, learn how to develop them, and protect yourself & space. Do you want to learn how to astral project? Or just figure out why Auntie Karren keeps showing up in your dreams with that wooden spoon? Lets work together so its not as scary.
Joy and Laughter
Bringing joy and laughter to your spiritual journey. Enjoy hearty chuckles along the way as we explore the depths of your inner self. Embrace your silly & dance your inner child happy again. A Lot of what I do includes movement. Moving stagnant energy often requires physical movement of the body. The body is fun. Dance, jump, skip, sit, swim, all of the things to help evoke the healing laughter that follows a breakthrough or just a fart while stretching. Life is not as serious as we make it to be. Have fun.
Thanks for joining me!
Years ago, I was searching for how to better exercise my gifts of spirit communication, but was a little nervous and really didn’t know where to look. Currently it seems easier to find answers online that offer help, guidance, information and classes to help someone curious in their “sixth sense”. This was not the case when I started my journey. I knew there was a new age store near the beach that has crystals and incense, so I started there. I would go in and look at all of the books, drool over the jewelry, choke on the thick incense smell in the air, and ask the clerk every question I could think of. I was too nervous to get a reading, and they didn’t have any sort of classroom or lecture series, so I tried to read as many books as I could on whatever topics I could find. A friend suggested I go to a psychic fair, but online was not really a thing back then, so I would go back to that store to check all of the flyers for updates, but rarely found something that spoke to me.I was also tryig to "hide" my gifts as to not be called a freak or draw any more attention to myself. My mother wanted me to fit in. My grandmother helped teach me to trust my intuition and encouraged me to grow it in a safe way to not draw attention. She never said it out loud, but I understood what she was teaching me.
While attending college, I attended a psychic fair in town with a friend I knew I could trust. I was not very open about my ability to communicate with the other side yet, and popular TV psychics were causing a lot of mixed feelings among my friends and family. I learned about using sage to clear my space, how messages come to different people, still choked on the strong incense smells and looked at a lot of sparkly wind chimes. Though fascinated, I still felt like I was learning to drive a car on my own. No manual, no instructor, no hand outs. Just a big whale of a Buick, I didn’t know how to get from point A to point B, or even where to put the keys to turn it on.
Eventually, I could not ignore the ever more obvious signs from spirit and I set out on a mission. I found an amazing center that focused on giving information and teaching classes rather than selling “things”. They did have some tools available for sale, but they seemed to be priced more for students who wanted to start small and try out different methods, not trying to pay their space rent with trinket sales. Not saying that is a bad thing, I was just impressed and felt like I was being encouraged to learn rather than pressured into buying.
I attended a few classes and discussions. At first I was very skeptical and figured this was all a scam and I was actually crazy and couldn’t actually communicate with the other side. One night, I went to the class/discussion on mediumship and my life forever changed for the better. How it worked was the first hour or so, the “expert” would talk about the topic as simply as they could to help everyone understand and get on the same page with words and terms used, etc., then there was a brief time for questions, a short recess, then we had a guided meditation and broke off into groups to practice. This allowed for attendees who only wanted the info and had no interest in practicing to leave at the break. I thought about it. We were going to go around in a circle in groups of 5 and practice reading each other. This scared me. What if everyone laughed at me? What if nothing came up? What if I thought I was reading someone but was really just making stuff up I thought about the person? Luckily the guided meditation helped to calm my nerves and we were ready to go. I should also mention, when I walked into the center that evening, a very lovely lady, whom I had never met before, tapped me on the arm and said she thought she needed to talk to me. I was confused, and tried to hand her my business card. She laughed and said we would talk at the break. Well we ended up in the same practice group (coincidence?) and she gave me the most amazing experience of communicating with my recently deceased mother. She had vivid descriptions and details and I felt as though my mother was sitting next to me in that room. Come to find out, when my mom gives a hug from the other side, everyone around feels it. We all started crying and laughing and they all begged me to come back every week so they could visit with my mom too. Plus, I did pretty well at reading other people too!
I felt safe. Not just because my mother came through, but because we were all in agreement that this was a safe space. We showed up with the intention to help each other practice and help heal. There was much laugher, but never at anyone’s expense. There were often tears, but they were followed by hugs and kind words of encouragement. Most of us were drawn to this center because we were grieving and we all wanted answers and help. This became like my church. Not to worship, but for the community and to come out of every interaction with a sense of joy and new found appreciation for, well, everything.
I started taking the courses offered on the weekends that were more in depth in hopes to speed along my journey to find all of the answers to the questions I had about the divine. I took a reiki class hoping to open a direct line to the heavens and didn’t think I was doing it right. I tried runes, numerology, crystal gridding, channelling, past life regression, anything offered that fit into my schedule, and budget. I was overwhelmed with grief and hoped I would somehow find joy or a way out of my fog. Each week I felt more empowered, and more aligned with who I was and my part in this world.
What is my goal? Long term I would love to heal the earth. I have always wanted to. Girl Scouts (well I only made it through Brownies) taught to always leave an environment which you visited in better condition than you found it. If it is a public park, you pick up any trash you see and put it in the bin. If it is a lunchroom, you clean up after yourself and any others who may not have to leave it nice for the next visitor. If you are at a national park, or anywhere in nature, you stay on the trail not to trample the vegetation, pick up any trash anyone may have left behind, and take nothing away from the land so it may stay beautiful for decades to come, for all to enjoy.
This is not learned by all, or we often take the path of leisure rather than nurture. I don’t see myself being very valuable on a speaking tour to school children about being kind to themselves, their neighbors, and to the planet. I can help create a kind, welcoming safe space for light workers to practice our work and share ideas. This will raise our vibration, which in turn will help raise the vibration of others around them, and so on. Long term, we heal the Earth by healing its inhabitants.